{Links are always at the end of your reading.}
The title of the debut episode of season four on the Mohawkmomma Soul podcast is, Fascinate and Focus - Embody 2019. What's so significant about the title?
Embody is my word for 2019.
Just one word to focus on all year. A word that helps you measure what matters to you, filter decisions, calm emotions and face each day with resolve.
A word that serves as a reminder of God’s truth in your life and inspires you to live your faith each and every day. A word that operates as your midwife to help you birth what's developing within you.
Choosing one word means knowing that you will sort through its many layers with courage and persistence despite great challenges.
Choosing one word means letting it take deep root in your life and seeing how it reveals JOY–in all spheres of your being and doing.
But what word? I'm here to help you with that. Whether this is new to you, or if you're still searching for your word. I've created the One Word Guide as a gift from me to you!
Where Can You Listen And Subscribe To The Podcast (if you aren't already)?
Every Tuesday, I plan to publish a new episode. You can listen via Anchor.fm, or pretty much wherever you listen to your podcasts. Here's how you can help me spread the message of soul care—by giving me a review and rating it on Apple Podcasts.
*NEW* To The Episode
She Did THAT! Is a new segment that I've added, and I am thrilled about it! Because it includes YOU. But to find out exactly how, you'll need to tune in to episode 30.
One of the lovely things about the Anchor app is that you can call-in and engage with me with your She Did THAT submission, or you can leave your questions/comments.
Thank you immensely for joining me in your prayers and your participation on this SOULbriety journey of faith, hope, and love.
In this episode:
— You’ll hear about how to elevate and embody your worth.
— You’ll be invited to notice your embodiment narrative.
— You’ll let go of the one thing that gives you a faulty framework of your multifaceted identity.
— You’ll ponder your one word for 2019.
— You’ll feel so relieved when you embrace that your worth remains in tact no matter what, especially if you tend to tether your worth to your contributions.
— You’ll hear about the Sabbath Rhythms Devotional Planner, and how it keeps me accountable to my rhythms, instead of me chasing balance (balance is a byproduct of healthy life rhythms).
— You’ll hear from a surprise guest and listener in our new segment, She Did THAT! Just wait!
LOVE IT? SHARE IT! Text, email, carrier pigeon—share this episode with friends however you like! Feel free to snag one of these graphics to share.
Exciting News!
2019 Healing Manifesto: Sabbath Rhythms Devotional Planner is available when you order the Soul Care eCourse!
And I've launched my book, Healing & Held. It's a coloring book Bible devotional-journal.
Until next time,
Scribble. Speak. From your soul.
Links for further discovery Subscribe & Listen to my Soul Care Podcasts
More SOULutions Worksheets here
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