Andrea Angie (GA)

Dec 5, 2017

Poetry: Undiminished illumination

Updated: Oct 22, 2021

Undiminished illumination


Linger in the presence of its warmth.

Capture the radiance of its glow.

Reflect the brightness of its brilliance.


To linger is to sit for a spell

To capture is to truly be held

To reflect is to image back your shine

Undiminished illumination







Called four-eyes in elementary... undiminished

Sexual abuse... undiminished

Divorced parents... undiminished

Pregnant at 17... undiminished

Toxic boyfriends... undiminished

Depression... undiminished

Wrongfully accused... undiminished
Misunderstood... undiminished

Fired from job... undiminished

Friendship betrayal... undiminished

Broken promises... undiminished

Numbness... undiminished

Miscarriage... undiminished

Loss of loved ones... undiminished

Self-sabotage... undiminished

Manuscript rejected... undiminished

Ignored... undiminished

Chronic pain...undiminished

Undiminished. So very undiminished.

It's cosmically impossible for my humanity or your humanity to be diminished. Our intrinsic worth is totally secure in the bosom of Love. He shepherds our identity, and He makes sure that our worth holds its value no matter what, unquestionably. Selah!

If you love poetry or you want to integrate it in your week to open up a vibrant inner life of soul care and inspiration, join me on my radio station on Anchor FM for the "Tuesday Poetry Lounge." You'll find me reading my original work and the works of others.

Until next time,

Scribble. Speak. From your soul.

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LEAVE A COMMENT: Please share your favorite poet or poem (or one in your top 10 ;)). Did you know that the poetic books of the Bible include Job?

#poetry #poem #TuesdayPoems #illumination #undiminished