Andrea Angie (GA)

Mar 11, 2017

Beauty Unfading, Over Fading Beauty - Part One

Updated: Oct 22, 2021

{Links are provided at the end of your reading.}

Beauty unfading over fading beauty. This is a soul care series about a brave step into our grace and freedom rhythms.

There's nothing wrong with outer beauty, but when it gets elevated to a place of all-importance, it distorts and disturbs our perception of noticing beauty from many different angles. This is why we need to campaign for another viewpoint of beauty from the Beautiful One, Himself. There's a purpose to beauty that's less about admiration and more about intimate connection.

"Don’t be concerned about the outward beauty of fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes

from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God - 1 Peter 3:3-4 (NLT)."

It's really an honor to sit down with my daughter and designer, Anneliese (b.a.s.h_18), to talk about her journey of acknowledging her beauty from the inside-out. Each week, I'll share her responses to my interview questions.

Before we get into the interview, I want to also congratulate her on the debut of her line of stationery: notebooks and sticky notes. They have arrived!

We decided to launch this weekend to celebrate the Jewish, festive holiday of Purim, a day to remember God's rescue through Esther's beautiful bravery (more on that later in this post).

To celebrate, we're also kicking off the #BeautyUnfading campaign on social media. Connect with us: Instagram: @mohawkmommaloves and @b.a.s.h_18 Facebook Page: Mohawkmomma Studio.

The Interview Part One



What is the story or inspiration behind creating the Make Me Up Collection? And what do you want this collection to offer to other women?


I have always loved different art forms, and the idea of makeup is just another creative expression to me. It has compelled me to dive deeper into the art of makeup and allow it to be used as a way to express my creative beauty inside and out. So I chose to name this collection, Make Me Up because I wanted to address both our inner and outer beauty as women. It's as if the soul and the face receive a fresh new, artistic palette, sorta speak, over and over again.

I want this collection to remind women (me included) that makeup does not make or break you. It does not define you or enhance any beauty inside of you.

Sure, we apply makeup to highlight features we like and cover up the features we don't like, but I want us to see that our unfading beauty is applied by God's grace, and that He makes us beautiful from the inside-out, whether we make up our faces or not.

It requires bravery to face fears and be counterculture. And this is why I choose the brave design to kick off this series.

Purim: Connecting Beauty with Bravery

Esther. Her outer beauty was evident, but it was a gateway to a beautiful connection with the inner beauty of being brave. While she was scared, she choose to face her fears, call upon her community, and dare to do something that was beyond herself. Something very risky and self-sacrificing. Something counterculture.

Until next time,

Scribble. Speak. From your soul.

Links for further discovery

Subscribe & Listen to my Soul Care Podcasts

Week One, Make Me Up Beauty Makeover Worksheet

Listen to Max McLean narrate the book of Esther

Join the Sabbath Rhythms Community! And receive EXCLUSIVE things: blog updates, special downloads, access to future soul care events and giveaways. We'll tell you about new things, first. Shalom.

#unfadingbeauty #brave #Esther #Purim #interview #beauty