You are in the company of the One
whose presence unburdens,
unshackles, and unbolts you.
In the midst of the busy and the loud,
The One whispers, “I AM with you here,”
unashamed and undaunted by
the intervals of this very meantime.
No distraction will sway My resolve,
no stretch of time will deter My care.
No obstacle, no uncertainty, no endless wait
will prevent My escort; I will guide you there.
You are enveloped in My kindness;
it is unshakeable and true.
While navigating this liminal space,
you are hosted by My favor; it is unstoppable.
May you embrace the gift of time,
offering your presence fully, moment by moment.
As you share your heart and listen deeply,
may your connections flourish in love's gentle light.
May this blessing usher you into a week of grace,
shaping a perspective of abundance in every encounter—
in the familiar and the unknown—
as you journey with the Good Shepherd.
Journal Prompt
Reflect on a recent moment when someone's presence gifted you with their time and attentiveness. How did it feel in your body?
Recall that moment vividly. What sensations arose in your body as you experienced their full presence? Did you feel warmth, relaxation, or perhaps a sense of safety?
How did their attentiveness impact your emotional state? Did it bring you comfort, joy, or a sense of being valued?
Consider how this experience of presence influenced your connection with that person. Did it deepen your relationship or foster a sense of trust?
Embodiment Experiences to Help You Connect:
Mindful Breathing: Take a few moments to close your eyes +nd focus on your breath. Inhale deeply, feeling your chest expand, and exhale slowly, releasing any tension. As you breathe, visualize the warmth of someone's presence surrounding you.
Body Scan Meditation: Sit or lie down comfortably. Starting from the top of your head, slowly bring your awareness down through your body, noticing any areas of tension or relaxation. Acknowledge how the gift of presence impacts each part of you.
Gratitude Journaling: Write a letter to the person who offered you their time. Express how their presence made you feel + the impact it had on you. This can help solidify the memory + deepen your appreciation.
Nature Walk: Spend time outdoors, savoring the sights + sounds around you. As you walk, reflect on the importance of being present in both nature + relationships, allowing yourself to fully engage with your surroundings.
Creative Expression: Use art, music, or writing to express the feelings that arose during that moment of connection. Let your creativity flow as a way to honor the gift of time shared.
These practices can help you embody the experience of presence + deepen your understanding of its significance in your life and gifting.
Until next time,
Gift from your soul.
Deepen Your Soul Care Journey
Beloved SOULjourner, as you continue to nurture your gift-giving practice, discover sustainable gifts designed to embody intentional gift-giving + connection.
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Disclaimer: This blog post is for informational purposes only as I share my pastoral care, my personal journey, and bring to you valuable research, it is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you are experiencing any medical concerns or symptoms, please seek the guidance of a qualified healthcare professional.
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