[This post was originally published in 2018. The podcast mini-devotion is taken from the archives of 2019.]
The 2023 Lenten season begins on Ash Wednesday, February 22nd. This season isn't a linear approach to moving through the 40 days of Lent, which includes Purim and the seven days of Passover. Instead, there's a sacred cycle that beckons us to descend into greater awareness of our divine birthright and God's heart.
There's no one, right way to pilgrimage through these seasons of the soul. But it is good when we can join in solidarity and navigate in a communal caravan.
So I want to invite you to join me as I prepare to enter into Lent, camp out at Purim, and journey through Passover until reach Resurrection Sunday. To be clear, this isn't about putting pressure on ourselves to give up something, rather, this is about the privilege to notice what we already have with palms + hearts open.
Together, we will...
Bless + Breathe + Relax
Click on the above image to download the spring holy days mini-devotional. Let's explore an inner 40-day journey that will open us up to an inside-out creative and courageous work-play + rest that awaits us, personally + collectively.
After downloading the devotion, tune into the 13-minute podcast - a Lent Invitation (archived from 2019).
Until next time,
Scribble. Speak. From your soul.
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LEAVE A COMMENT: As we move through these spring holidays, let's remember that sabbathing is more than the weekly Sabbath Holy Day (holiday)—it's a divine birthright. How are your sabbathing rhythms showing up in your life?
How are you preparing for the many spring holy days?