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Writer's pictureAndrea Angie (GA)

Allergic Reaction To Rest and Work - Part Two

Teal Watercolor

{Links are provided at the end of your reading.}

In last Sabbath's post, I left off having mentioned about the need to address the broken systems, which exacerbate the internal disharmony we encounter with rest and work. I'm referring to these as allergic reactions because on a very real level we're dealing with our spiritual immune system.

As we journey through a reshaping of our spiritual immune system, we'll engage with a slow and steady approach. Think in terms of rhythms—Sabbath Rhythms.

There will be much to unlearn, even more than there is to learn, and it'll be ongoing, so be kind to yourself and allow the unburdening to occur a little here and there.

And if you're on a journey with someone, don't rush them, love them. Don't "fix" them, walk with them with loving boundaries.

There was a time you didn't know what you now know. We're all vulnerable. We all need Love's unswerving transformation to lead us in stages.

Let's keep in mind that rest affects the way we work, they are both equally blessed, and they are holy and honorable. But whenever we elevate a gift above the Giver of the gift, beyond its proper place, the soul's immune system goes amok.

Of course, everyone responds differently to rest and work in certain scenarios. Notice the five areas I've listed, and think through your immediate reaction when you consider both.

Next weekend, we'll continue to look at the five areas in more detail.

I encourage you to write down your responses or use the worksheet I've created to become aware of your tendency and default.

The Five Areas


Positive: confidence, determination and resolve, sharper perception, courage, abundance

Negative: confusion, self-blame, difficulty concentrating, intrusive thoughts, difficulty making decisions, scarcity


Positive: mobilized, supported, involved, hope, encouraged, challenged, nurtured, stable, joy, love, excited

Negative: sorrow, grief, fear, anger, numb, irritability, guilt, shame, anxiety, abandonment, outbursts, overwhelm, fight-or-flight


Positive: connected and accepted

Negative: withdrawal, interpersonal conflict, dissociation, treating others as a means to an end, blur the lines between transactions and intimacy


Positive: readiness to respond, increased energy, alertness, hydrated

Negative: fatigue, loss of appetite, headache, muscle tension, exaggerated startle response, sleep deprivation, increased heart rate


Positive: faith, assurance, increased desire for community, growing in a grace that increases trust in the Lord, celebration, transparency in community, gratitude

Negative: Anger toward God, desire to disassociate from God and community, alienation, blame or justifying, low appraisal of grace and mercy, looming doubt

Disclaimer: Please know there are some key differences between hard workers and workaholics. One of those differences is a workaholic thinks about work regardless of what they’re doing or who they’re with.

Also, if you've been in this community for any amount of time, you've heard me say that rest is not our healer. Rest is evidence of the presence of the Healer, our Good Physician, Jesus.

There are many differences between a soul at rest and a lazy soul. For one, the lazy soul is idle and unwilling to ever work. A soul at rest has ceased struggling and striving and has chosen the abiding lifestyle.

When we continue next week, we'll dig into why these allergic reactions happen.

Defining our Terms

Here's what I mean when I say...

Rest: To cease striving.

Work: To engage God and others in one's strength and gifts.

Immune system: The defense system, the gatekeepers.

Virtue: The good and pleasant.

Allergic reaction: When the immune system starts to fight.

Stages: The distance between two places of rest on a journey.

Journey: A course traveled over a period of time.

Freedom: Where the Spirit of the Lord is.

Freedom is Uncomfortable and Disruptive, But It's Unburdening

To experience the wide open, abundant spaces of freedom that we have inherited in our Beloved, Jesus, we'll often encounter uncomfortable, unfamiliar and disruptive places, but Love has made a passageway for His communion to encircle us in His undiminishing comfort and shalom, it's dosed perfectly for all that ails us.


Breathe in that assurance of His encircling muchness. Breathe in the rest that's offered in every stage of your spiritual formation. It will feel all-consuming, let it form you. It will feel daunting, let it rearrange your assumptions. Yes, even in the hard to see moments where all you know is interference.

Dare to see Love's invitation to know Him in the fellowship of suffering, a suffering that produces an intimate audacity where attachments, entitlements and egos are revealed and striped of their security blankets.

Give your soul permission to rest, relinquish, and receive.

Shalom, until we dive into part three.

Be Loved. Breathe. Ponder. Pace yourself.

Teal Watercolor

Until next time,

Scribble. Speak. From your soul.


Links for further discovery Subscribe & Listen to my Soul Care Podcasts

The Allergice To Rest Soul Care SOULutions Worksheet ​

Sabbath Rhythms Tracking Companion

Four Aspects of Rest

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In order to flourish, you must nourish!

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