Andrea Angie (GA)

Mar 31, 2017

Beauty, Not A One-Size Fits All - Part Three

Updated: Oct 22, 2021

{Links are provided at the end of your reading.}

We're continuing with our 'Beauty Unfading, Over Fading Beauty' series. This soul care series is a brave step into our grace and freedom rhythms.

There's nothing wrong with outer beauty, but when it gets elevated to a place of all-importance, it distorts and disturbs our perception of noticing beauty from many different angles. This is why we need to campaign for another viewpoint of beauty from the Beautiful One, Himself. There's a purpose to beauty that's less about admiration and more about intimate connection:

"Don’t be concerned about the outward beauty of fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes

from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God - 1 Peter 3:3-4 (NLT)."

It's really an honor to sit down for a few weeks with my daughter and designer, Anneliese (b.a.s.h_18), to talk about her journey of acknowledging her beauty from the inside-out. Each week, I'll share her responses to my interview questions.

The Interview Part Three



In your opinion, what's the connection between a distorted sense of beauty and low self-esteem?


When I hear the phrase: “distorted beauty,” what comes to mind is someone who does not love themselves truly, and uses things like clothing and makeup, and other things to hide that struggle.

“Low self-esteem” comes from when we do not embrace who we really are designed to be. The connection is they both cause us to hide our true selves and project a fake and distorted self.

I want to also congratulate her on the debut of her line of stationery. They have arrived! (I share one of the four ideas for using the notebook. To see the other three, see part two.)

(Click on the image above to save & download the Brave phone wallpaper. More here.)

To celebrate, we've launched the #BeautyUnfading campaign on social media. Connect with us online: Instagram: @mohawkmommaloves and @b.a.s.h_18 Facebook Page: Mohawkmomma Studio

Until next time,

Scribble. Speak. From your soul.

Links for further discovery

Subscribe & Listen to my Soul Care Podcasts

Week One, Make Me Up Beauty Makeover Worksheet

Weeks Two thru Four, Make Me Up Beauty Makeover Worksheets

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#unfadingbeauty #brave #interview #beauty