{Links are at the end of your reading.}
This is our end-of-the-week Sabbath introspection as we choose to align ourselves in a close examination of exhaustion as we embody and pursue joy + justice in deep, active work-play + rest—both within yourself and in the world—we will make the holy revolution of embodiment manifest.
Exhaustion begins as a seed. Oftentimes, we discover it when it's in full bloom in the landscape of our lives. But we can become more mindful + strategic as we cultivate rest in our being and doing.
Welcoming our humanity,
Andrea (aka Angie) 🖤
In This Mohawkmomma Soul Podcast Episode:
— You’ll be invited to look at wherever exhaustion is showing its presence in your life.
— You’ll be guided to face what lies underneath your exhaustion—past or present.
— You’ll be able to download the Matthew 11:28-30, 2-page meditation guide to print and interact with as you give a close examination of your exhaustion point of view, your current stressors, your shalom-making support system, and your one holy plan of action/baby step cortisol edit.
Listen to Mohawkmomma Soul, Subscribe by RSS https://anchor.fm/s/102c67c/podcast/rss
Color. Journal. Relax.
To download the free printable, tap the above image
FREE 2-page PDF - Matthew 11 meditation
Listen to me guide you step by step in your journaling experience (5-minutes)
Until next time,
Scribble. Speak. From your soul.
Links For Further Discovery + Connection
Discover the soul care boutique + be inspired to amplify your ARTvocacy through peace + play vibes!
Disclaimer: This blog post is for informational purposes only as I share my pastoral care and my journey, and bring to you valuable research, it is not intended to be a substitute for professional mental health, medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you are experiencing any medical concerns or symptoms, please seek the guidance of a qualified healthcare professional.
LEAVE A COMMENT: I welcome your insight + input.