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She's the DJ of her cycle. Each Color + Journal™ card has the power to discover rhythmic living + conversations that normalize the many phases of feminine life flow in an emerging wombman.


It's a Color + Journal™ Stationery Experience for Tweens + Teens.


This daring deck of eleven colorful and stunningly designed cards include compassionate pastoral tending amplifying worhtiness, neurodiversity, health, and creativity.


Nestled in a beautiful peach satin pouch for a VIP experience. These cards are an outgrowth of mothering five daughters.


Card ideas:

Post in the room

Hang on twinkle lights

Keep in your backpack/purse


Read a different one each morning, and watch your day unfold in peace + play.


Explore more of the MenoGarden Collection.




Affirm: "I embrace my body's natural rhythm and allow myself to tune in to self-compassion and soul care. I am worthy and in tune with my needs."

(Youth) DJ of My Cycle Card Deck | Period Wellbeing | Color + Journal™ Cards

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